Sunday, May 23, 2010


After Alex's birthday party, I took the kids to the movies to see Shrek with my sister. But before that, my sister and her kids come by the house to pick up Kaylee and i couldn't believe my what I saw. My niece Ashley got her nose pierced. The good thing is that at least it was just a little diamond in the nose and not a hoop or something. Then my other niece Heather walks in with her bottom lip pierced. At least it was again a diamond and not a hoop or something. My sister took them to do it for Ashley's birthday. So she says. I think it was because the girls promised to take the entire weekend and clean her house good. Totally a good bribe. So if they want tatoos, what else can they promise. I can understand Heather she is after all going to be 19, so she can do what she wants but I never thought that my sister would take my 15 year old niece to a tatoo parlor and pay for her to pierce her nose. Whats the point in piercing your face? nose which collects unwanted green My lip with which i My I saw someone the other day who had her cheek pierced. Here Heather tells me, "but I promise I will take it out for interviews." What if she has to go to work everyday and she has to constantly remove it. What was the purpose?  Oh well, what can i say, i am only the aunt. Although.....I do think the diamond in the nose looked cute on Ashley. What if I do that?!!hmmm.. I have heard of other piercings, like say in the private manly areas. One specific place might not be so bad, in fact could be very pleasureable to women. But, I could not imagine piercing my what nots. Just thinking of the pain gets me. A stranger poking a needle in your hooha.

Anyways, We went to Chipotle for dinner and I couldn't help but laugh my butt off at my nieces. Ashley couldn't yawn because it hurt too much. Then she sneezes and her nose starts to bleed. She wants to blow her nose but couldn't. so she sat there with a tissue permantly attached to her nose. i turn to look at Heather and she can't eat her burrito. So she has to open the burrito and eat it with a fork. She bites down at one point and accidently bit down on the rod in her mouth. An hour after piercing  and Heather completely regrets it. But says she wants to keep it. Her boyfriend was not happy about it either.

After all this, I went to their house today and they were in fact cleaning. But they did not anticipate..GRANDMA AND GRANDPA. My parents don't exactly get the whole piercing of the face, just ear. Part of me thinks my sister does these things to be a friend to her daughters. Because after seeing Ashley's grades, I wouldn 't reward her and her birthday isn't for two more weeks.

On a different note, I took my sisters dog Abby off her hands because she says she can't handle all the dogs she has. So i come over and guess what....a new dachsund puppy.WTF?!! I told her to take Abby back. Well, I guess I shouldn't expect anything else.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Baby Boy Blues

Well today is Alex's birthday. He is 8 already! It seems so long ago that I held him in my arms for the first time. I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking of all the memories I have of him. How when he was born, I noticed how long his arms and legs were and that he must have been cramped. I couldn't get that kid to bend his legs for nothing. Then I remembered how I had to leave him for three days for the first time. He was flying back with an aunt to California while Adam and I drove back to California. I cried so much. How when he finally cracked a tooth, he looked like a pirate or how he would take his plastic tools and try and fix something like his daddy does. One day in my parents back yard, he just made a decision to walk. These are just a couple of the many, many, many things I was thinking of last night.

Then, I look to what he is doing now. He is such a stubborn kid when he wants to be. He is too smart for me. How do they seem to get smarter than you at times? The way they talk and act. Like little adults. Like for example, he started cooking his own breakfast in the morning. He gets dressed, goes in the kitchen and makes scrambled eggs. He makes plans for us to. Last weekend, Erin went to a slumber party and it was just Alex and me. Alex says, "Mommy lets take a hike." So he packs up a backpack with a pencil and a notebook, he said it was for anything he finds he can take notes on it. Then he pours a Dr. Pepper into a water bottle, packs a snack, and we take a long walk around the golf course. We stopped periodically for a drink, snack, and for him to write down things he saw. we walked all the way to my parents house just in time for dinner. When we get ready to leave, Alex decides he wants to ride his bike because he left it at my folks house. Then he says, mom you should ride grandma's bike. So I get on and my feet can't even touch the ground. I can barely stay on the bike. (And who says you never forget to ride a bike!) because I was having trouble. I am on an adult bike, my feet can't even reach the ground and the seat was too high. I needed a kids bike. So Alex pipes up and says, " mom, do you need trainging wheels?" Smart ass! Needless to say, I WALKED home. Yes, I was too afraid to try! I'm not ashamed.

I was thinking of how grown up he is. I was also thinking of what Alex and Erin have gone through, which I never would have imagined that they would have to endure. It is way too much for them. but life hands you obstacles you seldom see. They have dealt with the parents being in sperate homes, the anger, the mood swings, and will probably still have those times. But one thing that didn't change was how much I love and admire my kids, even more so now. They are not babies anymore.

Well, here is to Alex on his 8th birthday! I look forward now to so many new memories of him and Erin.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Catching up!

So it was Teacher Appreciation Week last week and I could've cried, but in a good way. One of my students and his parents had a bouquet of flowers sent to me at school. It made me feel so good. I needed that. I told him that he is the first person to do that. Plus, I didn't say it, but I haven't gotten flowers in like six years or so. Right around the time my ex and I first started dating. Our principal also bought us a wonderful lunch from Los Domingos. it's nice to feel some appreciation for all of the hard work.

On Thursday, it was my mom's birthday. It is so hard to believe that both of my parents are in their sixties. It just doesn't seem right. Well anyways, we went to Red Lobster for dinner and it was soooo good. Afterwards I picked the kids up from their dads and took them to my parent's house for cake. How do you buy something for your parent's these days? They keep insisting that they don't want anything. Well that's because they go out and get what they want. I can't afford a cruise or anything like that so I guess it's a nice dinner and family bonding time.

Saturday, my daughter went to a friends house for a birthday party and had her first sleepover. She had a blast. Of course the whole night she was gone i was thinking that the parents would be calling me anytime to come pick her up. Oh well! Good for her! She is growing up too fast. While she was at the party, Alex and  I picked up some party stuff for his birthday party. This time the party is at my house. Can't afford Chuck E Cheese. Then we went to the movies and saw Iron Man2. I liked it and so did Alex to the point where on Mother's Day guess where Alex, Erin, Me, and grandpa and grandma went? yep to see Iron Man 2. It's okay though. We had a nice day. We picked up Erin and headed out to Antelope Valley to meet my folks for lunch at the Famous Daves.(yummy food!!!) Then off to the movies. Afterwards everyone went back to where my folks were staying and went swimming, yes you read that right, swimming. It was colder than heck out, but the pool was heated.

Before heading home we stopped at Barnes and Noble. I am so proud of Alex. He picked up four chapter books to read. On the way home he read half of the Beast Quest book he bought. I don't know how he doesn't get car sick doing that, but he did it. Instead of playing on his DS. LOVE IT!!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

time with the girls

It was a great day!
Because of it being Teacher Appreciation week, the PFO had brunch for us. So much goodies, sandwiches, etc. I had to leave in order for for me not to have have seconds. Then I had a special delivery. For the first time ever, a family had a bouquet of flowers delivered to me. They were so beautiful! I hugged him and told him that I loved it so much he smiled from ear to ear, especially when I told him that he was the first student to do something like that for me.

Got home a cooked tacos and waited for the girls to come. Shannon and her kids and Jodi came over and we had a wonderful evening just talking talking talking and laughing laughing laughing. i loved it, because it took away all of the stress i have been under the last month with preparing my students for testing week and the possibility of losing my job. I hate the unknown. I wish I could know right away how my kids tested. The school board is playing safe and in my opinion freaking out too much. Not only that but, I don't see the girls that often. I mean sure we have facebook, but that is not good enough after a while. It was nice to relax.

Until i couldn't find my children. They went out into the garage to play. Next thing you know, I can't find them. They were playing hide n go seek. i was not just panicking but freaking out. My son felt so bad that he woke up crying because he didn't want me mad at him and didn't want me to tell daddy. So I kissed, hugged, and reassured him that I was scared more than anything and that no matter what I never stay angry with him or Erin. We said our i love you's and he drifted off to sleep.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

costing an arm and a leg

So I woke up yesterday realizing i had to get my car fixed. I drop it off and take the kids to the movies. We watched Furry Vengeance, which in my opinion was funny, especially for kids. They loved it. I mean I am not going to run out and buy it the first day it comes out on DVD, but it was enjoyable. Three hours later I get a call, brrringbrrring...hello, yes Ms. Greif, we found your problem and all together it will cost $611...give me three more hours and it will be ready...okay thank you, let me just get out my high credit limit crdeit card for ya. Thank God for my dad's military discount and my tax returns. Buy,Buy tax returns i loved having you, hope to see you again soon.

When I got home, my sister calls and asks if Kaylee can come play with her cousins. It's sad because my first thought was it's code for can you babysit for awhile? I thought, well lets just see what happens. She brought over McDonalds for dinner for the second time that day cause guess what we had for lunch??? We talked for a bit and it was great. My nephew's dog just had puppies, so we followed her over to his house to see the pups! Oh crap, they are too cute! The deal is my sister takes back her dog and i take one of the puppies. But they are not ready yet. So as we leave to pick up the car, my daughter irritatingly cries for 45 minutes because the puppy couldn't come home with us. (SOB!SNIFF!SNIFF, I never get a puppy or what I want).

Well what do you know, I hadn't walked in the door five minutes and my sister says Kaylee is crying that she doesn't want to go home and can she stay the night. Sure, okay. My sister was so excited that she ran out my door after dropping her off and went to a late night movie to see Night of the Living Dead. Oh Sis, just ask me to babysit next time will ya. Well what can I say, Poor Kaylee, I understand her tears! She is ignored at home, because her mom is too tired and is barely home and her sisters are like ten years older than her.

Well off to make dinner,
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