Friday, June 4, 2010

I think I am allergic to the sun!

So last weekend I went to the San Diego Zoo. Had a great time till I realized that I was getting a little pinkish. So I had to do what I could to stay in the shade. How funny was it that out of ten of us there, NO SUNSCREEN! it's okay I had a blast anyway. Especially when I start hearing a conversation from Shannon's mother inlaw about when the end of the world will come, and of course I piped up and said,"I think the world is going to last FOREVER! I don't think she knew what to say about that. She's a trip. I come home, spread on the aloe vera gel and moving on.

The next day, the kids and I went out towards Santa Clarita and went swimming in the big family pool. First of all, I just want to add how F-ing cold that water was. It's not heated and the water comes from a natural spring. I have been swimming in lake water and at least I warm up after awhile, but not this water. My TITS WERE FROZEN FOR THREE HOURS!!!! I could have kept a drink chilled to perfection. My nipples poked out like I was ready for a madonna music video of vogue. Well, after being 15 minutes in the water, I again got burned in other areas that weren't burned the day before. I even put sunscreen on. Stupid spray on!
So I go home and again lather on the aloe vera gel and sting goes away.

Next day, the kids and I went to Fort Irwin to visit family and you guessed it, go swimming in the pool. I take thirty minutes to cake on the sunscreen with my kids, then me. Well, I guess in that period of time I was putting sunscreen on my kids, my scalp and back get burned. Oh well, I tried. Sooooo, what do ya think I did as soon as we got home. And, I placed the fan permantely to blow on my back.

So, I cover up and stay out of the sun for three days. I am STILL PINK/RED. But we have swim day today. So I sit in the shade and eventually the sun starts to take away my shade. I lather on the sunscreen, walk around for ten minutes taking pictures and WHAMMO, I burned in the face, I have hand impressions on my arms from where I applied the sunscreen, my chest is burned, and oh yeah I forgot about the tops of my feet. DAMMIT! I officially am allergic to the sun.  Plus, where do ya think I am camping for a week and a half?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Want To Hire You But.......

So I recently filled out an application for a middle school social studies teacher at the Lewis Center. I have a feeling i am being an ass for doing it though. six years ago, I started subbing there. I was always working there as well, for kindergarten all the way through twelth grade. When I was going to school to be a teacher, I hadn't quite gotten my prelimenary credential, but i figured that it was worth a shot to apply there for a first grade position. I interviewed, made it through a second interview, they checked on my references, and boom I didn't get the job because they were going through accredition year and they were afraid that they might get dinged because I wasn't credentialed yet. Okay, no problem, i understand. Then, two years ago, different situation. I was credentialed, had some experience, and there was another opening. Made it through like before and no job offer. Lastly, they decided to expand their school. They had 12 openings. okay, I just might have a shot this time. Went through both interviews, calls on references, and no job offer. Why? well i found out that the board wanted to hire first year teachers so they could save on salaries. My mom found out too that every teacher on the interview panel wanted me and was shocked that I didn't get an offer. Then, last week, on Wednesday, my principal called me in the office and told me that the Lewis Center was calling on my references again. They told her that there was an elementary opening and they were going to hire someone from the hiring group last year and that they were seriously considering me for the job. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I figured this was it. NO CALL yet.

So my question is, why would I go through yet another interview with the Lewis Center? Do they really not want me? Am I waisting my time? Well that's more than one question. But, really, I feel like an idiot and they are sitting there looking at my application going, "This lady, again?!!!" I really feel like I shouldn't put forth the effort or waist my time this time. I think that I made a mistake. Besides, i am not sure i wouls have a good shot because I only have a supplemental in Social Studies. There could be others applying that are more qualified than me. Okay, i am done complaining
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